A Typical Day on the Caribbean Course
Instruction days begin with an exciting, academically focused SCUBA dive or snorkel

Our dives & snorkels involve a scientific focus that includes data collection with underwater slates & research equipment. Then we savor an all-you-can-eat brunch buffet at the La Playa Xpu-Ha Beach Club. We’ll finish the morning with analysis of our amazing marine & reef observations, typically in small group discussions. Lunch is typical American style fare & prepared by our group out of our Field Research Station. Afternoons include lecture on ecosystem concepts & activities that we investigate with hands-on field work and data collection. Typically, afternoons include snorkels, 1–2-mile coastal hikes, field investigations & labs. There are 3 off-site visits to other amazing ecosystem locations such as coastal lagoons, cenotes and caves.

Our academic day ends at 5:00 pm and dinner is prepared by an amazing local chef and enjoyed oceanside. The remainder of the day is for homework, independent study, & personal time. Summer nights at Xpu-Ha offers ample occasion to observe and study nesting sea turtles. Independent study is phased in during the second half of the course & individual research projects become our focus. Days are very full & academic expectations are high so do not expect “vacation-like” time.